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GX 1 Video Output

Disguise servers come with a range of possible output configurations. It is possible to use a combination of any of the types of four VFC cards below.

VFC Cards

Display Port 1.2Quad DVIQuad SDIHDMI
1 Output per card4 Outputs per card4 Outputs per card1 Output per card
Max res: 4096x2160Single Link DVI:
(up to) 1920 x 1200
Max res: 1920 x 1080Max res:
4096x2160 @60
YCbCr444 8bit

3840x2160 @60
YCbCr422 10bit*

3840x2160 @30
YCbCr444 10bit
LED indicatorLED indicatorLED indicatorLED indicator
GenlockedAll outputs genlockedAll outputs genlockedGenlocked